JONAS LISA was born in 1836 in Jonas Family in Ireland and the story begins with 34 million Europeans immigrated to the United States between 1824 and 1924. A primary reason was the Industrial Revolution. To begin this unit, we will see how farmlands in Europe were being reduced and farmers, craftsmen and laborers were living in poverty. These European people believed that the United States was truly a land of opportunity and were willing to change their whole way of life to take advantage of the opportunities. The Potato Famine caused a mass exodus of Irish citizens including the Jonas Family. 
Her father decided to leave Ireland and move to America to fine new jobs and start with a new life. (1)

In 1850, when Lisa was 14 years old, her family lived in New York. Their life was not easy, they were in a crowed house without  indoor plumbing or running water. They were faced with so many problem such as money, food, clothing for their family. After that, Lisa's father  found only the lowest unskilled jobs available. He were hired for low-paying, physically demanding and dangerous work. Wages for unskilled jobs during the 1860s were under 75 cents a day for 10-12 hours of work. She also found a job to help their parents, her father built canals, railroads, streets, houses and sewer systems, her mother worked on the docks or canals. (2)

When Lisa was 20 years old she worked on a piecework system. They were paid between 6-10 cents a shirt and worked about 13-14 hours a day. At the age of 25 She worked hard until she got married with an Irish men who older than her 5 year old . He was called Marc.
      She continued her life with a new family, In New York City, during the Civil War, Lisa's parents was killed. She and her husband worked as slaves. Because of their children's life, they had to make money throughout the period of war. 2 years after her parents died, her husband  joined the Union army. Lisa and her son ( his name is David)became worse,poor facilities, did not have enough money to spend their life while David need to study. She found all jobs that she could do to make money to get her son to go to school.
     In the year of 1876, Lisa got a letter said that her husband had died in war. She went on the life with her son and she did everything that she possible to earn money by labor working.
     There was very deep prejudice against Irish-Americans during the 19th century, especially as more immigrants came into the United States. Many Americans considered the Irish as dirty, stupid and lazy. Newspaper cartoonists often contributed to this image by drawing Irishmen as looking like apes with a jutting jaw and sloping forehead. 
      Americans also blamed the Irish immigrants for causing economic problems. They felt that the great numbers of Irish workers would put Americans out of work or lower wages. Americans felt that the increased number of people would mean taxes would rise due to additional needs for police, fire, health, sanitation, schools and poorhouses.


By the time, the Civil War ended in Confederate, the Civil War proved to be the costliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and the population and territory of the South devastated.(3)

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