Mrs Lisa died in 1910, By the end of the century a high proportion were skilled or semi-skilled laborers or had trades. Moreover, these immigrants were greatly aided by the Irish American infrastructure that awaited them. While life was still harsh for most immigrants, the parochial schools, charitable societies, workers' organizations, and social clubs aided their entry into a society that still frequently discriminated against Irish Catholics. Furthermore, the influx of even poorer southern and eastern European immigrants helped the Irish attain increased status.

In the twentieth century immigration from Ireland has ebbed. After World War I Irish immigration to the United States was high. After Congress passed legislation limiting immigration during the 1920s. These have been mainly young, well-educated individuals who have left an economically troubled country with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the European Community (EC).

David’s family had 2 children, his son is Steven (was born in 1912)  and his girl is Julie (was born in 1914). David, his wife Diana  and their children continued to live in New York. His occupation was listed as a businessman. They became richer, their children went to school in N.Y and they had a good life with modern conditions, they had a large villa in suburbs of New York. They created new jobs for unemployed in local by hiring labor worker to plant potatoes, corn, millet, alfalfa, winter wheat, rye, and sweet clover in their own farm. David’s family was loved by people around them. After Steven and Julie graduated from high school, David allowed them to enter to University. When Steven 18 years old, he stayed away from home and lived alone in Washington, beside he went to school everyday, he also got a part-time job to earn much money, he did not depend on parent’s help. And he wanted to get an engineer.(1)

About Julie, she liked her brother too, she moved to Washington D.C to study in an University. She wishes she would be a Doctor. She lived with her friends in an apartment. In 1942,She graduated from University and she got married with a classmate John, he was an American. They worked together in a hospital in Washington D.C. While her brother got married with a girl who was born in Ireland and immigrated to Boston in the same time. Mr David and Mrs Diana still lived in N.Y with their work until they become elderly.

By 1924, Irish American politicians began to attract national recognition with the nomination of Al Smith (1873–1944) as the first Catholic presidential candidate. In 1960, complete Irish acceptance was finally achieved with the election of President John F. Kennedy. During this time, the Irish also started to achieve success in business, and the professions. 

The 1970s and 1980s, the Irish were the best educated and highest-paid in America. Steven and Julie early become successful people. With the help of Irish American businessmen and its membership in the European Union, Ireland emerged in the 1990s as an economic powerhouse, dubbed the "Celtic Tiger."(2) Both Steven and Julie wanted their son would study in business. Thus, Steven’s son became a businessman and he had a family in Washington D.C with his parents Mr/Mrs Steven. In the same time, Julie’s son got married with an Irish – American girl and their family came back to N.Y to continue to work as a dairyman.

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